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useAsyncEffect is a custom hook for handling asynchronous side effects in React components. It follows the same cleanup pattern as useEffect while ensuring that async operations are handled safely. This hook allows you to write cleaner and more reliable async code inside React components.


function useAsyncEffect(effect: () => Promise<void | (() => void)>, deps?: DependencyList): void;


  • effect (() => Promise<void | (() => void)>): An asynchronous function executed within the useEffect pattern.
    This function can return a cleanup function, just like in useEffect.
  • deps (DependencyList): A dependency array.
    The effect is re-executed whenever any value in this array changes.
    If omitted, the effect runs only once when the component mounts.

Return value

This hook does not return anything.


import { useAsyncEffect } from 'reactive-kit';

function Component() {
  const [data, setData] = useState<Data | null>(null);

  useAsyncEffect(async () => {
    const data = await fetchData();

    return () => {
      // cleanup logic
  }, [dependency]);

  return (
      <p>Data: {data}</p>

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