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useRefEffect is a custom hook that helps you set a reference to a specific DOM element and execute a callback whenever the element changes. This hook calls a cleanup function whenever the element changes to prevent memory leaks.


function useRefEffect<Element extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement>(
  callback: (element: Element) => CleanupCallback | void,
  deps: DependencyList
): (element: Element | null) => void;


  • callback ((element: Element) => CleanupCallback | void): A callback function that is executed when the element is set. This function can return a cleanup function.
  • deps (DependencyList): An array of dependencies that define when the callback should be re-executed. The callback is re-executed whenever the deps change.

Return Value

  • (element: Element | null) => void: A function to set the element. Pass this function to the ref attribute, and the callback will be called whenever the element changes.


import { useRefEffect } from 'reactive-kit';

function Component() {
  const ref = useRefEffect<HTMLDivElement>(element => {
    console.log('Element mounted:', element);

    return () => {
      console.log('Element unmounted:', element);
  }, []);

  return <div ref={ref}>Basic Example</div>;

In this example, useRefEffect is used to log a message to the console whenever the div element is mounted and unmounted.

Released under the MIT License.